LILI launches in the sector

Welcome to the Lincoln Impact Literacy Institute (LILI)! LILI has been quietly running for a while, but with the pressures of the pandemic and REF, we decided not to launch externally until the sector was in a better and healthier place. Whilst we’re far from ‘back to normal’ it feels the right time to move forward with LILI, so welcome to the site!

The Lincoln Impact Literacy Institute (LILI) is the strategic hub of impact for the University of Lincoln. For the institution, it supports impact development, training and strategy. Within the sector, LILI aims to drive impact literacy and institutional health across research, working in partnership with academics, research managers, strategic leads, funders and non-academics amongst others. LILI is a research-active, experience led unit, bringing a critical but not negative voice to impact.

We are delighted to be supported by a number of key sector colleagues, who not only bring expertise but commitment to making the research sector a healthier place. Dr David Phipps (York University, Toronto), Dr Elizabeth Gadd (Loughborough University), Vicky Williams, (Emerald Publishing) and Dr Mark Taylor (NIHR) will help drive our activities and doubtlessly keep us in check :-). Within Lincoln, we’re establishing advisors, affiliates and connections across the university to support impact in its many forms. I’d like to offer particular thanks to Pilar Pousada Solino (Deputy Head of Research and Industrial Partnerships), Dr Anne Jolly (Impact Development Officer) and Dr Stephanie Maloney (Assistant Director Research & Enterprise and Head of Research & Industrial Partnerships) at Lincoln for their support and helping get LILI off the ground

‘Making a difference’ through research is incredibly important, and our aim is to do that in the healthiest, fairest and most meaningful way we can. Our site and our work is growing, and we will add more resources and research in due course. However if you would like to get in touch about LILI’s work or to collaborate please visit our Contact page.

Follow us on Twitter at @impactLILI for updates.

Thanks for checking us out!

