In October 2021, Dr Anne Jolly and Dr Julie Bayley delivered a talk at the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) Annual conference. ARMA is the UK’s professional association for research leadership, management and administration, with around 3,000 members from higher education institutions, research funders and charities. This talk, part of the ‘Impact and public engagement’ theme focused on the need to make sure people are recognised, valued and supported as we move forward with impact in the sector:

As the curtains closed on REF21, the sector took a moment to exhale, reflect, and finish the gin. We knew it would be taxing, but adding a pandemic was definitely an unexpected plot twist. For many impact professionals, the intensity of the final straits of REF was made worse by the dialling tone of contracts now ended and an academic community distrusting and exhausted in equal measure. We know we’re post-REF, but don’t know ‘where next’. How do we learn not only from this REF but draw on the reflections unchanged from 2014? How can we strategically refresh and realign not only in pursuit of future impact, but addressing the pressure and effort needed to generate meaningful change (Abstract)
To accompany the talk, Emerald Publishing have published a blog by Anne and Julie, available here.