Impact Week (27th–31st March)

Impact Week (27th–31st March)

Impact Week 27 to 31 March 2023 Schedule 
Monday: Creating Meaningful Impact Conference with David Phipps (Research Impact Canada), Vicky Williams (Emerald) & other speakers plus pre-launch of Julie Bayley's book "Creating Meaningful Impact". Ross Lucas Medical Sciences building, 12 to 6, open to external participants. Following events for UoL internal participants only. Tuesday: Knowledge mobilisation for impact. David Chiddick room 1102, 10 to 12. 
Coproduction for impact. Jackson Lecture Theatre Minerva, 2:30 to 4:30. 
Wednesday: LIIHR workshop, by invitation. 
Developing a team, departmental or wider impact strategy. Alfred Tennyson Building, room 3207, 2 to 4. 
Thursday: Surgery appointments with Mark Taylor, enquiries to 
Delivering impact in the health sector: challenges, opportunities and working together. Minerva Building room MB3101, 12 to 1:30. 
Friday: Knowledge exchange, commercialisation and the route to impact. 9:30 to 13:30, The Bridge. 
In the top centre, the LILI logo (the letters of the logo, alternating in grey and red, formed into a rectangle).
Impact Week schedule

We will be running a series of impact events during w/c 27th March, as we are joined by two experts from the sector.

Dr David Phipps is the Assistant Vice President Research Strategy & Impact at York University (Toronto) and an international knowledge mobilisation/exchange specialist. He is also director of Research Impact Canada, a collaborative network of 20+ Canadian (and other nations) universities, and works globally including on the advisory boards for various impact assessment initiatives.

Dr Mark Taylor is Head of Strategic Partnerships for the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), and previously NIHR Head of Impact. Prior to his role at NIHR, Mark worked as a researcher, in tech transfer, as a venture capitalist and manager of Biomedical Research Centre. Mark is also a patient advocate and involved in a number of initiatives on measuring impact from the patient perspective. 

The week kicks off with a free half day Impact Literacy conference (Monday 27th March, 12-6). The event focuses on the Why, What, How and Who of impact, and how we can drive meaningful change whilst maintaining healthy individual and institutional practices. Featuring Dr David Phipps (Research Impact Canada), Vicky Williams (CEO, Emerald) and a host of other speakers, the event concludes with a pre-launch of Dr Julie Bayley’s new book Creating Meaningful Impact: The Essential Guide to Developing an Impact-Literate Mindset. This event is open to all, with booking through Eventbrite.

More event details will be posted soon. For booking information surrounding internal events, please email
