
New blog: “Put Down the Prosecco, we’re not done yet”. A call to recentre people in impact post-REF.

In October 2021, Dr Anne Jolly and Dr Julie Bayley delivered a talk at the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) Annual conference. ARMA is the UK’s...

New paper: The Corona-Eye: Exploring the risks of COVID-19 on fair assessments of impact for REF 2021 (Free to Access)

LSE Blog piece here: What does COVID-19 mean for the evaluation of the Impact criterion in REF2021? | Impact of Social Sciences ( As the world continues to...

books in black wooden book shelf

New paper: Combining open publishing and knowledge mobilisation for impact (free to access)

With the academic sector making strides on both impact and open science, how can the two best connect in the publishing landscape? How can we shift from presumptions...

books in black wooden book shelf

‘Building the concept of research impact literacy’ – article free to access until 31/8/21

In 2017, Julie Bayley (LILI, Lincoln) and David Phipps (York University, Toronto) wrote the original article “Building the concept of research impact literacy“. First published online, the full...
